International Day of the Girl: More Than a Pad
International Day of the Girl is a United Nations holiday that raises awareness about issues affecting girls around the world. This year’s theme is “Invest in Girls' Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-Being.” As Days for Girls commemorates the 11th anniversary of this significant day, we celebrate our investment in the equal rights of millions of girls around the world.
Thank you to all of our donors, volunteers, enterprise leaders, staff and partners for your support!
Menstrual Health and International Day of the Girl
Menstrual health is a key component of girls’ rights, leadership and well-being. As such, to invest in menstrual health is to invest in gender equality. That is why we provide girls with washable menstrual pads along with other products like underwear, soap and washcloths in our DfG Kits.
However, while period products are critical, we believe menstrual health is so much more than a pad.
Life-Changing Menstrual Health Solutions
At Days for Girls, we value a girl’s right to choose from a variety of menstrual products like sustainable disposable options and menstrual cups. We also believe in her right to receive accurate, timely and age-appropriate menstrual health education and to have sustainable access to supportive social environments.
Menstrual health is about honoring individual choice and autonomy. Offering girls the ability to choose what menstrual product best suits their unique needs and preferences is a vital and dignifying component of menstrual health. That is why DfG distributes menstrual cups and DfG Hybrid Kits in certain situations and regions of the world.
Menstrual health is also about empowering girls through knowledge – providing holistic menstrual health education that enlightens and informs. Consequently, every DfG distribution is paired with quality, age and culturally appropriate menstrual health education.
Holistic menstrual health education and local, national and international advocacy about menstrual health are also important in creating lasting ecosystems of support. At Days for Girls, we actively work to transform societal attitudes and establish policy frameworks that better support girls globally. Advocacy and education eliminate stigma and promote open dialogues that foster environments where menstrual health is normalized.
More Than a Pad
Days for Girls has already shattered menstrual-related limitations for over 3 million girls and women with our affordable, sustainable and life-changing menstrual health solutions. Now, with your help, we have the power to reach 35,000 more people before the end of the year!
On this International Day of the Girl, please show the world you care about girls by contributing to our More Than a Pad fundraising campaign. Our goal is to raise $350,000 by Dec. 31, 2023.
Your contribution will go toward so much more than a pad – it will provide education, opportunity and positive, lasting, tangible change. Now, that is something to celebrate!