Policy and Advocacy

To create meaningful impact that lasts, Days for Girls pursues advocacy work that shifts social norms and creates more supportive policy environments for menstruators worldwide. From campaigning and capacity-building to cultivating strategic partnerships, our advocacy efforts are critical to shifting the menstrual health space in a way that stands the test of time.

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Our Approach

At Days for Girls, our Policy and Advocacy strategy is focused in these key areas.

Equip Local Leaders

We provide training, resources, and support so that our staff, social entrepreneurs, and volunteers can champion menstrual health in their home communities.

Grow the Field

We work with individuals and institutions to help grow menstrual health research, evidence, and shared learning.

Strengthen Alliances

We build and strengthen coalitions and individual partnerships across sectors like gender equity, WASH, education, humanitarian response, and disabilities.

Improve Policy

We advocate and provide technical assistance to governments, so that they create and implement policies and programs that support menstrual health.

Advocacy Partnerships

Days for Girls collaborates with governments, coalitions, and organizations to advance menstrual equity. Let’s get connected!
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Days for Girls Student Clubs

Student & youth leaders are some of our most passionate advocates. Learn about the DfG Club program and how to get involved at your school.
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