Episode 030: Episode 030: Homeless Orphan to Millionaire CEO and Inspirational Speaker with Magie Cook
Magie Cook is an award-winning mindset coach, international speaker and the CEO and founder of Magie’s Salsa LLC, which she started with just $800 while homeless.
Her journey from an orphan to a successful business powerhouse/activist is nothing short of inspiring – and shapes her work helping others discover their personal power.
Magie shares her incredible life story with Days for Girls, including a snapshot of her upbringing in an orphanage in rural Mexico, the mental tools she cultivated to maintain hope and resiliency during hard times, the origin story of Magie’s Salsa LLC and her passion for ending human sex trafficking. She even leaves us with wise words about staying curious and open during times of uncertainty. We hope this episode moves you as much as it moved us!
“The biggest thing that you can do for yourself is to discover or rediscover your why. Because when you discover your “why,” when you know your “why,” you have the passion, the sticktoitiveness, the fire to do something amazing. And it doesn't matter what it is. But it's the best way that I can guarantee your happiness. Because when you know your why and your work, you’re walking on purpose, and you're extremely on fire and ecstatic about it, you are happy.”
- How Magie used the power of mindset, hope and perseverence to make it through a challenging childhood and manifest an upwardly-mobile future
- Magie’s journey from an orphan with big dreams, to a collegiate basketball star, to the CEO of her own salsa company
- How she started Magie’s Salsa, LLC with just $800 from a kind stranger while experiencing homelessness – which went on to become a bestselling salsa brand in grocery stores across America
- Her past and ongoing efforts in the fight against human sex trafficking, and how she aims to curb the “generational curse” with compassion and understanding
- The importance of finding your why in life, especially during uncertain times
Website: www.magiecook.com
Social media: @magiecook
Magie Cook is America’s Success Speaker and The Bootstrapped Coach. She is the CEO & founder of Magie’s Salsa, LLC, a fresh salsa and dips company that she started with $800 while experiencing homelessness, which was later sold to Campbells Soup for $231 million. She is now living her dream by helping entrepreneurs and teams discover their hidden personal power so they can increase their revenue and grow consistently.
After living a life of suffering in an orphanage for 18 years, Magie created mindset strategies that changed her life. With 30 years of experience, Magie now dedicates her life to helping others unleash their full potential, specializing in mind and business optimization strategies to accelerate true success. Magie is an internationally recognized speaker and expert in the field of business and personal development and has been featured in numerous publications, magazines and television networks such as Fox News, CNN, NBC, Daystar TV, Bloomberg TV’s “The American Dream” and many more. She’s worked with many Fortune 100 and 500 companies, as well as A-listers including professional athletes, influencers and thought leaders.
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Jessica Williams 0:02
Welcome to the Days for Girls Podcast, a show about breaking barriers for women and girls around the world. I'm your host, Jessica Williams, Chief Communications Officer at Days for Girls International. At Days for Girls, we believe in a world where periods are never a problem. We are on a mission to shatter the stigma and limitations associated with menstruation by increasing access to sustainable period products and menstrual health education for all people with periods.
Today's guest is Magie Cook. Magie is America’s Success Speaker and The Bootstrapped Coach. She is the CEO and Founder of Magie's Salsa, a fresh salsa and dip company that she started with just $800 after she was homeless, which was later sold to Campbell Soup. She is now living her dream by helping entrepreneurs and teams discover their hidden personal power, so they can increase their revenue and grow consistently. After living a life of suffering in an orphanage for 18 years, Magie created mindset strategies that changed her life. With 30 years of experience, Magie is now dedicated to helping others unleash their full potential. Magie is such a phenomenal speaker, and she is an expert in the field of business and personal development. She's been featured on numerous publications, magazines and television networks, such as Fox News, CNN and NBC. She's worked with many Fortune 100 and 500 companies as well as A-listers, including professional athletes, influencers and thought leaders. I cannot wait to share this episode with you. Now let's go on to the show. Magie, welcome to the Days for Girls Podcast. How are you today?
Magie Cook 1:42
I'm great. Thank you for having me here today.
Jessica Williams 1:45
Oh, I'm really excited to have you here. It's an honor, you have a fascinating story. And I cannot wait for you to share this with our audience. I thought that we would start out by having you talk about your childhood and your origin story, if you will. You grew up in an orphanage in Mexico and then immigrated to the United States to play basketball. But the story is so much bigger than that one little sentence. So can you tell us more about that journey?
Magie Cook 2:15
Absolutely. So I was born in the mountains of central Mexico and Michoacan. And I was born there at an orphanage and I lived there up until I was 18. And the way of life that I thought was normal, it's totally not normal by any standards of the way that we live here in America. Just imagine yourself being in a place where in the middle of the mountains, where there's no culture in our society, but just the culture of what we were raised in. And there's barbed wire fences around us. And you have this big dining room and the central part of the house or the property. Lots of land, large dining room tables with your name on it, your spoon with a name on it, your cup, your plate, girls and boys dorms. Fields see where you can play, you know, soccer… dirt fields where you can play basketball, and then just a very structured and literally militarized manner of discipline. And that we were raised to clean, to wash our clothes, to do personal hygiene, like brushing our teeth and things like that. And even bathing – the showers and everything, how much it reminded me of when I was in college – when I came to America with you know, the dorms. The way that we lived was these huge rooms with these beds that have two and three, you know, like, bunk beds that were that were metal.
And it was such an eye opening experience when I came to America, because just imagine when I saw a family of two or three, I was thinking, Wow, that's amazing. Maybe one day I would like like to have something like that. The way that we grew up, I have 68 siblings, right. The people that adopted the kids. There's eight of us biologically, but there are 60 that they adopted. So there are 68 of us there, plus other kids that came in that were adopted, that sometimes it reached to about 200 kids at one time. And that space where you only had two caregivers, my father and my mother. And we basically grew ourselves up. And in the midst of that there was a lot of suffering, because I always believed that it was impossible for two people to care for that many kids. And there were things that happened. There's a lot of fear. I felt like, from a beating or something, if somebody did something that we could die, because it was so aggressive, and it was just so much. I know our caregivers did best they could. But the thing is, when you have so many kids and an experience like that, that people can go crazy in dealing with kids, because there's just so much that's going on. Including things that happen amongst the kids, like rape, like a lot of my sisters were raped, because there's not the structure of the, you know, the parenting that I consider now to be normal. You know, a father and a mother with several kids, rather than hundreds, right? So it was quite an experience where, early on, I believe that in order for me to find happiness, even though I was stuck in a place for many, many years, is to use my mind to dream of being something that was happier, something that was hope, that gave me hope.
For example, I would go into the mountains, and I would dream that I was a superhero, and I was gonna save everybody there. Or, you know, I dug my cave. I don't know if you saw my story video, but it's available, at gomagie.com, Magie with one G, you will see a cave that I dug. And I know this is just a recording. But this is the original knife that I used to dig that cave. And it was my secret hiding place to just be at peace. And I didn't know that I was doing this. But I believe I was meditating, I was visualizing a better me and the future of who I wanted to become. And hunger was a big thing when I was younger, because we didn't have the resources to bring food to the orphanage. So I became a hunter, you know, I with my brothers. And we used spotlights at night, we would climb these trees to catch our prey, especially when the moon was not full. So animals couldn't see us. And that's how we ate in the woods. And so, I'm so grateful and thankful for my life now.
Because I was able to use my mind to create the future that I wanted to become, and have the hope and the persistence of believing that it could get better. And I know that there's a lot of girls out there who either are being raised in third world countries, or were raised into third world countries and are here today. And I just have to say that I always remember to be grateful for everything that I have, including the really small things, because they give me joy, they give me proof that you know, I was able to come out of a situation where it was very challenging for me, for my life. And if I can do that, I say I believe everybody, anybody can. If you use the focus correctly. Because I will tell you that a lot of the people that I grew up with didn't make it, you know. They ended up in cartels or prostituting, as drug dealers, as many different things. And later in life, people ask me, well, how come you're not in jail. And it's really about seeing yourself, the future you have, what you want to become in staying there consistently. And for me, it was… I don't want to suffer anymore, why don't I just have hope? Even though the moments of pain and suffering were there. As soon as that physical experience passed, I was able to escape into my mind and see myself as a super successful woman with heels and a dress behind a mahogany desk. Even though I didn't know anything outside the barbed wire fence.
Jessica Williams 9:47
Wow. What an incredible journey you've had. Because from there you go on to immigrate to the United States and play college basketball. And was basketball something that your brothers and sisters and you played growing up at the orphanage?
Magie Cook 10:05
So that's a really good question because back then the sport was soccer. And I was thinking innovatively in my mind, even growing up, because I thought, okay, everybody's playing soccer. What if I could do something different that nobody's doing? And get so good at it? And I came across basketball in junior high. When we reached the the age of going to junior high, we were not no longer taught in the orphanage, cause there was a school there. We were taken into town, which was 45 minutes away. And we went to school from junior high and up. And I noticed that one of the breaks that we had, I was walking past the principal's office. And there is a small TV, black and white, really long TV up on top of a cabinet in his office and I saw Michael Jordan play. I didn't know it was him at first. But I asked if I could start coming there and my breaks just see how he played. And he said absolutely. So I learned basketball from watching Michael Jordan play. We had basketball. It was beginning to become popular in junior high, but our physical education teacher didn't know how to play it, he just had us like run with a ball – like literally, like he didn't know basketball. So I started to to practice and see how Michael Jordan was playing.
And then I started to create a court in the orphanage and it was initially, it was a dirt court. And I made a hoop and we started to play. And when it grew very popular, eventually a concrete slab was constructed in the orphanage. And we played and played more and I remember practicing four to six hours a day and they covered my eyes with a rag to get better at dribbling. I had a little adopted brother, his name was Pancho, he helped me to tell me, go right, go left, so I wouldn't hit the edge of the basketball court. And so that I would get so comfortable. And he was one of those kids that – so they paired us up when we were growing up. We had to be paired up with a younger kid when I was older. And when I was young, I was paired up with an adult. And that week that I realized that I could do that, was because I had to carry Pancho wherever I went. He was born with spinal Bifida. So he couldn't walk. And he was, they actually found them in a dumpster. And that's how he ended up coming to the orphanage. So getting so good at basketball, and by the time I reached High School, in the finals, we beat all the teams and we became champions of everything. And I was recruited to play basketball for the Mexican national team in Mexico City. I'm five two, so I'm short. But I must have been good. And so I waited for a while, we went to Mexico City, I still have the – you'll see that letter and the the invitation letter in the video at gomagie.com. And we went there. And they told us, Yes, we'll let you know when we're ready to take her. And we came back to the orphanage. We waited four months, three months passed and we were just waiting. One day my my caregiver brings out American football, and we started to play. And that day, the first day that he brought that out, I broke my collarbone.
And him being a doctor. He literally grabbed my shoulders and stretched my shoulders back to kind of find out what was going on. And he tells me your dreams are over. And I was thinking, basketball is gonna get me out of here. I'm gonna go play with the national team. This is gonna be amazing. And all the sudden it was cut off. And I was angry. I was sad. I had so many emotions. But then I said you know what? There's gotta be something better. And at the time, I didn't have the mentality to think if something bad happens, there's got to be something better, but I was like, so hopeful that something better was going to happen to me. And six months later, while I was healing my collarbone, my caregivers took a bus to the US and they traveled across all the states to raise funds – well most of the states to raise funds – for the orphanage and we got invited to a picnic in West Virginia. And when we pulled up, there was a basketball court outside. And as soon as my brothers and I saw it, we ran towards that we grabbed a ball that was laying on the ground. And we started to play. And there happened to be the coach of the University of Charleston. And she saw me play. And she went to my caregiver and told them, I want her to play free on a scholarship at the university. And that's really truly the reason I'm speaking to you today. Because I came to America. And if I would have believed my mind, my father, my caregiver as a doctor, maybe I wouldn't have played that day. And that's just the confirmation that tells you that decisions create your destiny. So what do you choose to focus on? What do you choose to focus on laser sharp your attention, that you want something that it becomes? And I didn't know the how, but there it was. And that's why I'm here speaking with you today.
Jessica Williams 16:16
Well, so you go to school, you play basketball, and I mean, your story is so amazing, and the resilience that you that you've shown so far. But that's not it for you. I mean, you go on to create a incredibly successful business making salsa, which I'm like, I love Modern Family. And I just keep thinking of Gloria who makes salsa. I'm wondering, is it similar? Like you were thinking back to your roots and the recipes that you had growing up? Is that what led you to doing that?
Magie Cook 16:59
Yes, you know, when we when I was growing up in the orphanage, one week the boys cooked and the girls clean. And the next week, the girls cooked and the guys cleaned, and it was sort of like a competition of who could make the best with what we had. If it was potatoes, eggs, beans, whatever. And I when I was older, I would go into town and and we would get fresh goods. And one of those things that we started making with salsa. And I was like a fresh pico de gallo salsa. And I loved it because it was so delicious. It was fresh. It wasn't like the other cooked stuff that we made. And so when I was in college, I started making the salsa in the dorms. And my friends were like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing. And they told my teachers, my teachers had me bring it to class. And it was a hit. But what happened was that when I graduated college, I couldn't find a job as an interior designer in West Virginia. And so I became homeless. And I lived in this and out of my car and my car engine blew up. Then I was living in the streets. And several months into that, I was entered into a salsa contest for the state of West Virginia, which is huge, by someone who knew me because they tried to buy products. And that's the moment where I enter the contest. I actually didn't know what to expect, there were 15 other contestants. And they all brought their cooked salsas. And, of course, I won by a unanimous vote. And I got the People's Choice, everything. And people were celebrating, everybody was asking me, where do you sell this stuff? Where can we buy it? And I'm like, What are you talking about? I mean, I don't even know how to begin.
And at that contest, I came across a person that was really heavily staring at me because he was seeing me interact with other people. Like somebody was watching, when somebody watches you and you know they're watching you. And but you just keep talking to other people. And after everything died down, he came by and said, You know, I see that you have a fire and a passion. And I know that you don't have resources right now because I've heard you talk to everybody else. And I want to give you something. And he said on one condition: that someday you get to pay it forward. And I was like, What is this guy about to do? So he pulled his wallet out of his pocket, and he took all the money that he had and it was exactly $800 and that's how I started my business.
Jessica Williams 19:49
Wow. Oh, what an angel. Holy cow, that's incredible. You're just getting chills. Your story is so incredible. So you go on to build a very successful company and to sell that company. Tell us about that.
Magie Cook 20:08
Yes. So it was tough. I mean, I didn't know anything about business, but I just the letter used Google, there are a lot of research and learn how to get established as an LLC. And then I started making salsa and selling it to friends, and people I knew by the pint, and I charged like $5 a pint. And going into the research, I realized that I could buy stuff wholesale, for cheaper. And as I continue to grow, I ended up making it in into an FDA food facility. And then getting my own place. And then moving into the next place that we moved into towards a KFC, an old KFC in the worst part of town, where the gangs were, where the projects were, where the drugs were. But that's all I had. But they're the nicest people because I also treated them with kindness, and then I ended up moving into a 20,000 square foot facility. And that all happened when we reached, we got a call from Walmart to supply our products to them. But the real breakthrough happened when I made a long list of stores to call from the smallest to the largest. And it was so, so, so frightening, because I've never picked up the phone to say, Hey, this is Magie, I have pico de gallo salsa, would you guys like it? And so I started doing that. And I got so many rejections, I felt beat up. And I got 90 no's. And I decided to give it a break.
And at that time, one of my friends who became my business partner, who later on, she says, You're not making any money, you know, why are you doing this? You should just quit and give up and get a job. And I got a lot of discouragement, but I knew I had something. And I knew that all I had to do was put it in people's mouths to the right people, and that it would become, that it would grow. And so I took that list the next day, and I turned it upside down. So I changed my approach. And at the very top was the Whole Foods Market. And I called them, and I was so glad that they didn't answer – I just left a voicemail. And I said, Hey, my name is Magie Garcia, I have an awesome pico de gallo salsa that I think you guys will love. And sure enough, the next day, they called me at 6pm. And Eric, who is the main guy for the main distribution center of the Mid Atlantic for Whole Foods called, and I ended up driving eight hours. All night basically, because I had to go back to the kitchen and make salsa. And they met at 9am the next day.
So I went into their their distribution center. It was a big room, there were a lot of men in there. And I walked in with my little heels and my salsa boxes and my little dress and chips on top. And they tried it. They absolutely loved it. And then they said, you know, when can we have this stuff? And I said, Well, how much do you need? And he says, Well, your first order is going to be for 10,000 pounds of salsa. That's one ton of salsa. And at the time, I was making about 250 pounds and selling it. And I was like oh my god, this is crazy. I told him, you know, let me go back and see how I can figure out how to get the cost of goods together and sign an agreement, because we did sign an agreement. And we figured it out. And that year I went from from making $12,000 to making $1.9 million, just with Whole Foods. And the thing that happened with Whole Foods was that now that we were in Whole Foods, all these other companies that said no started to call and they wanted our products. And that was really what I would call you know, the rest is history. That was a really big moment of transition, of the business becoming something that I had actually visualized, but I had no idea how it was going to happen.
Jessica Williams 24:38
Hmm. One of the things that I love about your journey is that you became very successful despite all the odds and all of the, you know, the setbacks and everything and the resilience that you showed. And then you turn around and you take that success and you use it as inspiration for others.
And now you're an inspirational speaker and you are working internationally to rescue children from things like poverty and violence and sex trafficking. So tell us more about this next phase of your life where you you basically pivot, and you look back and say, how can I serve and help others?
Magie Cook 25:21
Yes. So in 2015, my company sold to Campbell Soup with Garden Fresh for $231 million. And even before that, I was already being proactive in feeding orphanages in third world countries, but the way that I was actually supplying the goods, not the money is because we grew up where money was sent in, and it wasn't used appropriately to feed us or clothe us. Because there were other interests to help the poor and things like that, which I don't condone. It's an amazing thing, but we still suffered. So I was already proactive in doing things like that. But when I sold my company, I got a call from one of my brothers who was running an orphanage in Mexico. And he said, we were told that 50 people from the cartel are coming, going to take over there and take some of these kids – we had just rescued kids from drug cartels that were being sex trafficked. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, that night, that day I bought my ticket. And it was the fastest ticket I've ever flown to Mexico and it was from Detroit. And it took five hours to get to Mexico and I arrived. That experience is life changing for me, because I felt that I could die in any moment. Because of the gravity of the situation. And the people that were involved.
It's not a joke. I mean, it's serious stuff. And when I got there, I have a reputation in those areas for being tough. As far as like a hunter, you know, like Magie's in town. Because I was tough, you know, I was wild, like a wild kid that grew up in this jungle that did these things. And people know me for that for for being, you know, getting stuff done. And so we arrived, and I told the villagers to let everybody know that I had arrived and that we were armed and ready to go. And we only have two guns, I had a 38 special and my brother had what they call a handmade shotgun. I think it was a, it wasn't a 12 gauge. It was the next down. But we were established, we put all the kids, we grabbed all the kids and we put them into a room. And that's where we ate and slept. And I, at night, I would sleep outside in the concrete floor with my brother. One of my adopted brothers that I grew up with. And we would just be in waiting because we didn't know what was going to happen. And we involved the federal rallies in the military, which they ended up coming when somebody did break in and and took a kid, took some kids. But we were so fortunate that what I did was I actually tied up a dog to my waist, because I saw she was barking a lot. And she was behind this chicken wire fence. And I thought I thought she's gonna be great. If something comes because we were so tired, you have no idea from standing up. That I thought that if she would jerk me, I would get up and you know, I would be ready.
And that's exactly what happened. And when we got the federal police to come in, and I have videos and photos of all this stuff. The experience was that I fed them, I woke up at 4am, made them coffee cookies because I wanted them to come back. I knew I wasn't strong enough to protect all of them. So if I could use that, I'm sorry to say, you know, intimidation tactics from the [inaudible] to prevent some perpetrators from coming in, I was willing to do that. And eventually the military flew in and grabbed the people who grabbed these kids. And then I felt like you know, they were safe. And I was able to come back. And then I realized and ask myself the question, why does this happen? You know, why does human trafficking happen? And at first I was very angry at the people, at the perpetrators, people that do this. And I wanted to kill them. I mean, I was ready to kill – I was angry. But then, you know, I'm a minister also, I'm a unity minister. And I do a lot of meditation. And I was in one of my deep – I was about to speak at a national conference for the unity movement actually, in Kansas a couple of years ago. I was meditating before I went on stage. And I got this huge revelation that said, you know, the people who are the perpetrators, they have been victims also, but nobody was able to help them. And nobody helps them because society sees them as a worst of the worst of the scum of the earth.
And so they're portrayed as this, this image that point is there's a lot of organizations out there that are treating the symptoms, they're trying to rescue kids, are trying to do what I did. But nobody's actually going to the cause, which is the people that do this. And that's the moment that my compassion for them began, everything changed, I no longer went from wanting to kill somebody like that, but to love them. And to maybe help them seek help if they wanted. Because there's a little kid inside of them that somebody abused. And I know this, because after talking to world renowned psychologists, they say, 90 to 95% of the people that do this, this was done to them. And they were, they were able to get help. And so talk about the supply and the demand, if we can help the demand to have a change of heart and help them get help, then the supply's no longer going to be there. Because they're not going to be a need for it. And that was a huge – the biggest revelation that I ever had, in terms of human sex trafficking.
Jessica Williams 31:51
Prior to starting the recording, you said something to me about the importance of getting, you know, the government and the higher levels of institutions and systems that you know, protect and keep us safe involved. And you said something, you said I'm not really the person to get in there and do the fighting. But you are the person! You literally did the fighting.
Magie Cook 32:20
Well, I will say I can be the voice. I would love to be the voice and maybe the voices part of it. Because I'm involved with a company out of Hollywood, and they're starting to – they they finished a movie script for my story. Because they want to make a movie. And they asked me to come in and speak at their conference. And I spoke and I was amongst these high level people, millionaires, billionaires, and they asked me what is that? What is it that gives you fire right now? What do you want to do?
And I said, I want to rescue these kids, I want to end human sex trafficking. And they said to me, Well, that's not going to happen. And I said, what do you mean? And they said, because all that stuff starts at the higher levels of like, really, you know, wealthy people, and also government, the sex trafficking and things like that. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, then I'm like this little person, right. But I still believe and I have hope, that if the message is right, and if people truly want help, to create a voice and a system to say, you know, perhaps if you're really interested, this is how you can be helped so that you no longer have to suffer with that trauma, and you no longer keep hurting others. And that's the only way that I think that we're going to be able to change the generational curse, per se, if you want to put it that way of what's been happening for centuries.
Jessica Williams 34:07
Yeah, wow. So you got offered a movie deal? You like, slipped that in there. That's kind of a big deal, I think. How's that going? When can we expect to see something?
Magie Cook 34:21
Well, you know, with with making movies, it takes a process and sometimes it's quickly – sometimes it's much faster than that. I do know that they are completely done with that script. And I know that they're taking steps to revise it and review it and make sure, because I believe they want to change some things. So that is still in the works. As far as when it comes out. I have no idea because we also have to involve marketing media, investors and things like that to make something like that happen, but I really truly believe that that movie will be a source of inspiration to help others realize, you know, maybe I didn't have it so bad. Or maybe I didn't have it so bad as you did, or worse. And I can still make it because you made it. And because of the mindset, because of what you chose to focus on, maybe I can start focusing and seeing my life differently. And then maybe I can start to change my destiny today.
Jessica Williams 35:22
I so believe in that, too. So, you're an inspirational speaker. And I would be like missing a great opportunity if I didn't ask you..in this time of uncertainty that we experience in the world, is there anything inspirational you'd like to leave us with?
Magie Cook 35:43
I would say the biggest thing that I can tell everybody, including you who are listening today is ask yourself, What is life? Why am I here? What's the purpose of me being born in this time in place? There must be a reason. Find out what those reasons are. The biggest thing that you can do for yourself is to discover or rediscover your “why.” Because when you discover your “why,” when you know your “why,” you have the passion, the sticktoitiveness, the fire to do something amazing. And it doesn't matter what it is. But it's the best way that I can guarantee your happiness. Because when you know your why and your work, walking on purpose, and you're extremely on fire and ecstatic about it, you are happy. And happiness does not mean money. Although it can provide some things, happiness means the focus on the things that bring you that happiness, which is walking in your life, walking in your destiny, walking with your heart, and serving. Whether it's serving, whether it is making money, whether it's selling products or services, whatever that is. If you're not, stop it. Get out of whatever you're doing. And start looking at the possibilities and see how you can. And I tell people, sometimes it takes you going back to your childhood and asking yourself, when was the time that I was so happy? What was I doing? And start to take inventory of those things that are so much happiness, maybe that's the area that you need to start exploring to see if that will spark the fire, that will lead you to the “why” of why you're here in this time and place.
Jessica Williams 37:49
Thank you. That's beautiful. Magie, this has just been an incredible honor to get this opportunity to talk to you one on one. I really appreciate your time. Before we go, can you please let everyone know where they can find you and connect with you if they'd like to get in touch?
Magie Cook 38:08
Yes, absolutely. They can go to my website. It's www.magiecook.com. And it's m-a-g-i-e with one g, c-o-o-k.com. And you can reach me through there. I'm also on social media @magiecook on all platforms, most of them.
Jessica Williams 38:33
Amazing. Well, thank you so much. And I look forward to following you on the rest of your journey because I know it doesn't stop here. You've got a lot left to do.
Magie Cook 38:46
Thank you for having me.
Jessica Williams 38:47
Magie Cook 38:50
The Days for Girls Podcast is produced by Days for Girls International. For show notes and resources mentioned in this episode, visit daysforgirls.org/podcast. If you'd like to support the work we do on the show, leave a rating or a review wherever you listen, subscribe to the show, and share our episodes on social media or with your friends. To learn more about Days for Girls and to join our global movement, please visit daysforgirls.org. Thank you for listening. See you next time.