
DfG organizes and participates in webinars and online events all year long. Check out past webinar recordings, reports, and findings below.

March 7, 2024

Periods Are Everyone’s Business: Canada’s Journey to Accelerate Gender and Menstrual Equity

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2024, this webinar dives into the strides Canada’s made to accelerate access to menstrual equality both domestically and internationally.
This webinar hosted by Days for Girls, Reproductive Health Supply Chain Menstrual Health Supplies Workstream, and Bfree Cup shines a light on the menstrual health work happening in Canada. Presentations and panelists include representation from both the national and regional government, as well as small and medium sized enterprises.
During the webinar panelists discuss Canada’s Menstrual Equity Fund, showcase their global initiatives supported in lower and middle-income countries by the Fund for Innovation and Transformation, and share inspiring ways advocates helped advance product choice, policy and programming in Canada.
Watch the recording HERE.

May 3, 2023

Investing in Menstrual Health Makes Good Business Sense. Period.

This webinar hosted by Days for Girls, PSI-Europe, and Period Positive Workplace shares how to promote employee wellbeing and menstrual equity in the workplace. 

In this webinar, attendees learned how to promote employee wellbeing and menstrual equity in their workplaces. Attendees were equipped with best practices for normalizing menstruation in the workplace, learned why menstruation-focused research matters and how menstrual health (MH) impacts people in the workplace. MH experts from Kenya, India, Europe, and the United States joined to discuss how to create period-positive workplaces and how the private sector can play an integral role in establishing menstrual equity.

The webinar will be led by a panel of outstanding speakers, including:

  • Dr. Ekua Yankah, Brands on a Mission
  • Dr. Lauren Houghton, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
  • IPooja Singh, ​PSI India Private Limited
  • Neville Okwaro, Ministry of Health WASH Hub-Kenya
  • Dr. Deborah Maufi, PSI Europe (Facilitator)

Watch the webinar recording and read the webinar report.

Feel free to share these resources with colleagues and networks interested in promoting menstrual health in the workplace. Also be sure to check out the Period Positive Workplace Initiative to learn how to create more inclusive and gender equitable workplaces.

October 25, 2022

Advancing Menstrual Health, Education and Economic Progress: A Comparative Study

This webinar shares learnings from a new menstrual health (MH) study that offers transferable recommendations to help stakeholders advocate for menstrual reforms. This study reviews the MH landscapes, including national and local laws, policies, and programs that address menstrual and reproductive curricula, in 12 countries (including high income and low to mid income countries).  MH experts from India, Kenya and the United States joined the discussion to share successes, challenges and gaps associated with advancing menstrual health education.

Hosted by Days for Girls, DLA Piper, New Perimeter, African Coalition for Menstrual Health, and UNFPA ESARO in partnership with the Global Menstrual Collective and the Toilet Board Coalition.

Watch the webinar recording here

Read the Executive Summary here.