At Zariel (Days for Girls Nairobi), our vision is to promote greater knowledge, attitude and practices surrounding menstrual health, and to give girls greater control over the factors that shape their lives.
Our goal is to train both girls and boys to break the taboos and silence around menstruation, and restore dignity to girls through the use of washable pads. Zariel Enterprise is also an incoming-generating center for women and men who are involved in the production of our high-quality DfG kits
Christine Khamasi founded Zariel Enterprise in 2015, in her hometown of Nairoi, Kenya, after completing a Days for Girls training in Uganda. As Enterprise leader, Christine spends her days traveling across the region to conduct trainings, deliver education, and assess the menstrual health needs of communities. Christine is also Days for Girls Kenya’s top sewing specialist, and works to ensure that DfG quality standards are met within all Kenyan Enterprises.