Hearts For Kenya is on a mission is to empower women and girls stay in school and live their very best lives, without menstruation getting in the way. We do this by distributing free, washable DfG kits paired with vital menstrual health information. To date, we have served 2,000 women and girls in Homabay County (and beyond)!
Our goal is to continue expanding our reach through partnerships with local nonprofits and government leaders – bringing free menstrual products and education to as many women and girls as possible.
Robin was inspired to start Hearts For Kenya in 2018, after visiting schools in Oyugis and finding a common problem: girls were missing class because they didn’t have access to period products.
The next year, she worked with Jacob and Rachel to create a self-sustaining DfG Enterprise that empowers local girls with free, reusable menstrual kits and health education.
By giving girls the tools they need to manage menstruation, including critical information about their changing bodies, the Hearts For Kenya team is making a huge impact in the community (with thousands of lives changed already – and many more to come!).